Monday, February 25, 2013

Candice Luka and Tofana A from MetArt

These are Candice Luka and Tofana A from MetArt
The website MetArt features the worlds finest erotic photography.

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Feet and Underwear Galleries

Do you like pictures of feet and/or underwear?
There are galleries of such to be enjoyed here (click the photo below):

Monday, February 18, 2013

Rylsky - a MetArt model

This is Rylsky - a Met-Art model.

As mentioned before, I cannot show nudity on this blog. To see some naked photos you have to join my group on HitsFixer (it is free to register there).

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Poached pears in spiced tea

Looks delicious, right? It is poached pears in spiced tea.

If you did not know it, HitsFixer has a section called FoodFixer. Check it out. Many wonderful recipes to be found there.

Some Asian ladies

Today I will post pictures from AllAsians knowing that some like Asians as well. Enjoy!

As mentioned before, I cannot post nude photos on this blog. If you want to see nude pictures, you have to join my group at HitsFixer (it is free).


Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Twistys - new photos

The photos below belong to Twistys. If you want to see some of these undressed, you will have to join my group on HitsFixer. It is free and takes only 2 minutes to register there.

Saturday, February 9, 2013

Slumber party

"As the author of three books on the American family and its intersection with pop culture, I've spent 13 years examining social agendas as they pertain to sex, parenting and gender roles. During this time, I've spoken with hundreds, if not thousands, of men and women. And in doing so, I've accidentally stumbled upon a subculture of men who've told me, in no uncertain terms, that they're never getting married. When I ask them why, the answer is always the same.
"Women aren't women anymore." Is feminism really wrecking love lives everywhere?

A common image of feminism is the nightmarish menace that marches fulminatingly in the dark streets, illuminated only by the fitful light of a burning bra.

I do not believe the women in the video Slumber party are feminists, so no need to worry....

This is one party that`s not to be missed! Girls are having fun - with each other, and then one or several men show up as well. Because men are everywhere. Isn't that what the feminists would say?          

Well, the girls in this video do not seem to mind the interuption of men....

Click the photo below to watch the video. Enjoy!